
density of air meaning in Chinese



  1. The density of air varies directly as pressure , with temperature being constant
  2. Looking at the lift formula , you can see thatlift and drag vary directly with the density of air
  3. The daily change law of air ion is : the density of air ion in morning is the highest , it falls at noon or in the afternoon . while it raises again in the dusk . ( 2 ) in summer , the density of air anion in songgu and diaoqiao scene district is more than 30000 / cm3 , while in yungu scene district and bailongtan , renzipu of wenquan scene district it is 10000 / cm3 . in beihai it reachs 18000 / cm3 , the density is not well - distributed in xihai , yupin and tianhai , it presents a kind of jumping change ; ( 3 ) the air anion density in winter is small than 1000 / cm3 only at yiranting , taoyuan square of wenquan and yupinglou
    大气离子日变化规律是:清晨最高,正午或午后降低,傍晚又比较高; ( 2 )夏季,松谷景区和钓桥景区的负离子浓度均在30000个cm ~ 3以上,而云谷景区和温泉景区的人字瀑和白龙潭测点负离子浓度在10000个cm ~ 3以上;北海景区负离子浓度在18000个cm ~ 3以上,西海、玉屏和天海三景区的负离子浓度分布不均匀,呈现一种跳跃性变化; ( 3 )冬季负离子浓度只有温泉景区的翼然亭、桃园广场和玉屏楼的负离子浓度小于1000个cm ~ 3 ,其它地方的负离子浓度均大于1000个cm ~ 3 ; ( 4 )全风景区中以松谷和钓桥景区的负离子含量水平高,而且它们在春季负离子含量也超过8000个cm ~ 3 ,具有治病的功能;温泉景区的人字瀑和白龙潭测点负离子浓度春季超过16000个cm ~ 3 ; ( 5 )整个风景区的负离子含量均大于正离子含量,用单极系数q和空气离子评议系数ci评价,各景区的q 1 , ci 1 ,高于最佳空气清洁度的指标。
  4. Natural air anion bar is negative ion enriched district . as tour function district , it has health protection , and recuverate effect . according to the result of medical research , the author consider that the average density of air anion in higher season should be more than 8000 / cm3 , in lowest season it should be more than 1000 / cm3
    天然氧吧是负离子富集区,作为旅游功能区,具有保健、疗养的功效,参照医学研究的结果,作者认为空气中负离子浓度在高值季节,平均浓度应达到8000个cm ~ 3以上,在低值季节应在1000个cm ~ 3以上。

Related Words

  1. density
  2. density modulation
  3. density mutant
  4. density of application
  5. density of atoms
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